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Toddler Services

2-5 Years

Image by Minnie Zhou

Phone Consultation

30 Minutes | $35


Not everyone has the same needs or situation. In fact, it’s hard to find two people who benefit from the exact same plan for their family’s needs. Let’s get to know each other and make sure we’re all on the same page to work together and be successful.  
This can also be used to answer questions about a sleep concern if you don't need a full sleep plan!

Basic Toddler Package

2-5 Years | $55


Have a toddler that won't stay in bed after the transition to a crib?  Do you wake up with someone extra in your bed in the morning?  Are you or your spouse laying with your toddler to get them to sleep and want that time for yourself?  This is your solution!


  • 30 minutes to 1 hour phone consult

  • Guidance and solutions/tips to utilize with your child

Image by Jose Ibarra

Ultimate Toddler Package

2-5 Years | $115

This package includes everything the basic package includes.  Then I will guide you through implementing the solutions discussed and support/problem solve along the way. 


  • 30 minutes to 1 hour phone consult

  • Guidance and solutions/tips to utilize with your child

  • 2 weeks daily support

Book Your Toddler Package

Please inquire for further information on In Home Consultations and additional services provided by a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant. Want to purchase a gift card? Click the button below!


PEDIATRIC APPROVAL: You agree to consult with and obtain approval from your pediatric provider to follow any advice or use any techniques offered on the Site or through use of Services.

REFUND POLICY: Due to the amount of time, effort, and commitment provided within a consultation, I do not offer refunds.  If issues arise I will review them on a case by case basis.

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